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Event location: Zoom

Event date and time: 15/05/2020 11:00:00


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 990 5442 2103

Password: 796497


  • Please note that the sessions are recorded and your participation in them indicates acknowledgement of this.
  • Please test technology before the seminar commences. We suggest that you join the meeting a few minutes before 11.00am so that we can start promptly
  • If you wish to speak, please switch on your camera and raise your hand. The Chair will note this and the Chair will invite you to speak. 
  • When it is your turn to speak, please announce your name before speaking.
  • If you are not speaking, please switch your camera off and mute your microphone to cut out background noise, you may enable it when you want to speak. So practice disabling if you’re just an observer participant and enable microphone and camera when you wish to contribute.
  • Please keep your comments to the point and do not interrupt others when they are speaking.  You may wish to use the conversation chats on the side to send a message. Please introduce yourself when commenting in the conversation chat.
  • Please ensure that your mobile phone is on silent and that you are seated in a quiet area for the duration of the seminar.