Dr Svetluša Surova is Senior Researcher at Gnarum, s.r.o. and founder of the BARI-Global Network. She received her doctorate and graduated with honours in Political Theory at the Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. Dr Surova is currently working on the projects examining the impact of Covid-19 measures on human and minority rights in Slovakia and political participation of minorities in Serbia. In the long term, she investigates collective identities of Slovak minority in Serbia, Slovak diaspora policies and works on proposing a new definition of diaspora using combinatorics. Her research interests include political theory, comparative politics, diaspora studies, minority rights, ethnic politics, collective identities, identity politics and multiculturalism. Her latest publication. ‘Identity from a conceptual and empirical perspective: a case study of the multiply identifications of Slovak diaspora living in Serbia’ was published in Diaspora Studies.